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What is an Autonomic Nervous System Test?

The autonomic nervous system, often referred to as the “automatic nervous system,” plays a crucial role in regulating involuntary functions like heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, and digestion. When this intricate system malfunctions, it can lead to a variety of symptoms that can significantly impact your daily life.

Elevate your performance with the ANS Test – unlocking insights for optimized well-being and peak health.

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Diagnosing Autonomic Dysfunction: The Role of Testing

If you’re experiencing symptoms that might suggest an autonomic nervous system dysfunction, an autonomic nervous system test can be a valuable tool for diagnosis.

What Does an Autonomic Nervous System Test Entail?

An autonomic nervous system test, also known as autonomic testing, is a non-invasive and painless procedure used to assess the functionality of your autonomic nervous system. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

  • The Test Components: The test typically consists of four main parts:
    • Sweat test: This test evaluates the function of small nerve fibers in the skin, which are responsible for sweat production. A small amount of a specific solution is applied to your skin, and a specialized device measures the amount of sweat produced.
    • Deep breathing test: While you breathe deeply following a visual cue, your heart rate is monitored beat-to-beat using specialized software. This assesses how your heart rate responds to changes in breathing.
    • Valsalva maneuver: Here, you’ll be asked to blow forcefully into a tube against resistance. This maneuver normally causes a rise in heart rate and fluctuations in blood pressure. Specialized equipment monitors your heart rate (beat-to-beat) and blood pressure changes to analyze the response.
    • Tilt table test: During this test, you’ll be positioned lying flat on a specialized table that will gradually tilt you upright. Your blood pressure and heart rate are monitored throughout the tilting process to assess how your body adjusts to this change in position. Some individuals with autonomic dysfunction might experience a significant drop in blood pressure or a rapid increase in heart rate accompanied by dizziness or lightheadedness during this test.
  • Test Duration: The entire autonomic nervous system test typically takes around an hour to complete.

Benefits of Autonomic Testing

This test offers valuable insights into your autonomic nervous system function, which might not be readily apparent through other standard tests like an EMG or a neurological exam.

Who Can Benefit?

Autonomic testing can be helpful in diagnosing various conditions that affect the autonomic nervous system, including:

  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
  • Small fiber neuropathy


If you’re experiencing symptoms that might point towards autonomic dysfunction, discussing an autonomic nervous system test with your doctor can be a crucial step towards diagnosis and effective treatment. This test can provide valuable information for your doctor to develop a personalized treatment plan and help you manage your condition effectively.