Atlantic Endocrinology New York City



What Is a Sudomotor Function Test Used for?

Sweating, often overlooked, holds vital clues about our health. Sudomotor function testing dives deep into sweat patterns, offering insights into nerve health and underlying medical conditions. Discover your health balance

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What is Sudomotor Dysfunction

Have you ever found yourself sweating excessively during routine activities or suffering from dry skin in hot weather? Such experiences might not just be unusual personal quirks but could indicate

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What are the stages of laser hair removal?

In recent years, laser hair removal has emerged as one of the most sought-after methods for achieving long-term hair reduction. This innovative cosmetic procedure offers individuals a semi-permanent solution to

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What Do Endocrinologists Test For?

The endocrine system and its illnesses are the focus of the medical discipline known as endocrinology. A collection of sizable glands that make hormones makes up the endocrine system, also

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Why Is A Sudomotor Scan Done 

A sudomotor scan is performed to diagnose autonomic neuropathy and sudomotor dysfunction. This type of peripheral neuropathy is often underdiagnosed but has significant systemic effects. Here’s an in-depth look at

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