Atlantic Endocrinology New York City

How do doctors diagnose pcos

Imagine a puzzle with multiple pieces, each representing a symptom or sign. When these pieces come together, they paint a picture of a common condition many might not be aware of – PCOS. Curious about how this puzzle is pieced together? Let’s delve into the intricate process of diagnosing PCOS.

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how do doctors diagnose pcos

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have irregular menstrual periods, higher levels of androgen hormones, and enlarged ovaries containing small cysts.

The Path to Diagnosis

Diagnosing PCOS is not straightforward. Since its symptoms can resemble other conditions, it requires a thorough evaluation.

Initial Observations

The journey often starts when a woman observes:

  1. Irregular periods.
  2. Excessive hair growth.
  3. Acne and oily skin.
  4. Difficulty in losing weight.

Consultation with a PCOS Doctor or Specialist

When these symptoms are persistent, the next step is consulting a pcos specialist or pcos doctor.

Diagnostic Procedures

Comprehensive Medical History

This involves understanding:

  1. Menstrual cycle patterns.
  2. Weight changes.
  3. Any other symptoms that might be linked to PCOS.

Physical Examination

This can include:

  1. Blood Pressure Measurement.
  2. BMI Calculation: To determine if the patient is overweight.
  3. Physical Inspection: Checking for signs like increased body hair or acne.

Blood Tests

Blood tests help determine the levels of hormones. Elevated levels of androgens, for example, can be indicative of PCOS.


A pelvic ultrasound helps doctors check the appearance of the ovaries and the thickness of the lining of the uterus.

Who Should You See for a PCOS Diagnosis?

PCOS Specialist New York and Other Cities

In major cities like New York, specialized centers cater specifically to PCOS. These centers have experts well-versed in diagnosing and treating PCOS.

Endocrinologist Specializing in PCOS

An endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in hormonal conditions. Those with a focus on PCOS are adept at diagnosing the condition based on hormonal patterns.


Given that PCOS affects reproductive health, gynecologists are often the first point of contact. They can conduct preliminary tests and, if required, refer patients to a specialized endocrinologist specializing in PCOS.

Beyond Diagnosis: Treatment Options

Once diagnosed, what’s next?

Lifestyle Changes

A balanced diet and regular exercise can help manage PCOS symptoms.

Medication Assisted Treatment Program

Depending on the symptoms, doctors might prescribe:

  1. Birth control pills to regulate menstruation.
  2. Metformin to manage insulin levels.
  3. Medications to reduce excessive hair growth.

In Conclusion: The Bigger Picture

PCOS might be a complex puzzle, but with the right specialists and tests, it’s solvable. Diagnosis is the first step towards understanding the condition and finding ways to manage it effectively.

Remember the puzzle we spoke of at the start? Each symptom, each test, is a piece. And with the right expert, the bigger picture becomes clear. If you or someone you know shows signs of PCOS, reaching out to a specialist is the key to piecing the puzzle together.